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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Tuesday, May 20, 2008
73 words

HAHAS. 3 more than my previous record. oh yea.
now currently blogging in school.
stupid com lab.
com so lag.
shall blog later if can (:

miss me readers ! :D

shall continue my post. (:

went to com lab for more than 3 subjects.
damn cold la. hahas.
in the morning, our school had a powerpoint presentaion about the szechuan quake.
all the pictures were so....... so..... aiya, it made me very sad.
i dont know why. i start to sympathise them. we were told that they had to amputate their arms or legs in order to get out as the rocks and everything made their arms and legs stucked. but the students refused. they begged that their legs and arms cannot be amputated as they wanna study. when i hear this, i feel that we, Singaporeans are much well-to-do and fortunate then them. Yet, there are som,e of us who refuse to study hard. Think of those china students. They WANT to work hard. They WANT to study. Even in such situations, they still think of their future. Unlike some of us, lazing around. We ought to do something about our attitude. We SHOULD NOT be taking everything for granted.

i decided to do my part and donate for the szechuan quake people. the whole singapore's moving their lazy butts off their comfortable sofas and go to the china bank to donate. this is the way man. HAHAS. i dont know why lah. i feel very bad looking at the sze chuan quake thing. so many lives taken. we can learn many life lessons from this incident.

there is one mother who died as she embraced her baby tightly, protecting her baby.
In these situations, im sure most of the mothers would have done that. This is called mother love.

L-O-V-E. What exactly is love? is love referring to only BGR? i feel that we, teenagers should focus on our studies, family and friends instead of wasting our time on nonsensical relationships which would tie your future down. Unless the relationship is "healthy", i dont see a need to it. i feel that having more good friends and best friends mean more than having a relationship. In my case, i would rank my family FIRST. My friends SECOND. My relationship will of kos be behind my family and friends. my family and friends would always be there for me when i need them. They dont mind who we are. When we really need them, they will always be there for us. In some relationships, the other party will tend to look out for your looks or your family background. i dont mean that real true devotion is impossible. but nowadays, true love within teenagers are hardly found. My tuition teacher told me once. He had a friend who went into a relationship with his other friend. they had this relationship since pri school. until now, married for more than 20 years. SO LONG LA. wonder how they last. HAHAS. do you see these happenings nowadays? VERY SELDOM.

hahas. my point is, I DONT KNOW.
i think i just love crapping ba.

whatever it is, i really hope that all of you would make an effort to donate. PLEASE, i urge all of you to donate. i think donating to them mean more than having a PSP or any electronic devices. If you can effort electronic devices worth more than $200, im sure you have at least $2 right? Or your parents have at least $10 right? those szechuan people cant even play electronic devices. dome of us cant even survive without our phone or computers for one day. Imagine how they survive? They didn't die without electronic devices what. HAHAS.btw, i came across a website. each vocab word you get correct, they will donate 10grains of rice to those third world countries like africa. http://www.freerice.com.


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