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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ahhh… im just so high today.
hahas. Don't know why.
was late for school today la. 3rd time alr.
after that had attire check in hall.
I just love attire check can? I so guai, sure pass one =X
all I have to do is clip up my irritating fringe, put my side hair behind my ears an tie up my hair.
but I look like an idiot. Jaslyn they all saw. Hahas. shall post the pic if I can.

My class's seating arrangement changed. Lalalas~
my left side is shahidin, right side(partner) is Cheryl, behind is li xian and hong sheng, in front is morris and dennis.

Hahas.around there la. See if I got time den I draw out the arrangement and post it up.(:
im suppose to "motivate" them. Hahas. Poor Nicholas. Wanted to sit with me de. But in the end nvr, he sat with yu lynn. They quite far from me la.
hahas. Cheryl&I are both sick of each other. Geography, POA, English, Maths, Chem, Bio sit with her. Fated to be tgt. Hahas.
den leon&I very high. Kos don't need sit with THAT PERSON. Junisa and Lili kind of happy too. We all very heng. HAHAS !
ok, we're damn bad. But who tel THAT PERSON to irritate us?

It's speechday on Friday&the whole clique's involved :D

Belinda at the backstage.
Me, Mel, Emilia&Lynn for the buffet thing.
but only Yu Lynn's not involved):

I wanna cut hair badly ! ahh, it's damn thick can?

Yawns…Im getting very tired nowadays. Gonna break down soon =.=


If you think you're so great, come on and show me what your abilities are, but not just simply stand there and start to chide me =.=

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