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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Sunday, May 18, 2008
ok, im finally back from the LONG LONG MIA-ING.

missed me so much right?
everyone's waiting me to blog. i've been MIA-ing since Wednesday, 16 April.
& it's now Sunday, 18 May.
more than a month.
so, i APOLOGISE for not blogging.
actually, i wanted to blog, but i couldn't. not that i dont want to. how can i bare to MIA from my blog? hahas. my sis has projects and everything coming&she needs the internet. but in the end, she goes to friendster and blogs instead of working on her project. i also need all these ok? not only her. &i gave up the phone to her. or else we'll start quarrelling. i hate quarrels. so, JOLENE made a big sacrifice to give in the telephone and internet connection to her dear sister, CARRIE.
hahas. ain't that great? small sacrifice to prevent quarrellings. Daddy told me to fix the internet thingy& it's done. or else i wouldn't be using the internet now. HAHAS. my sis's in camp. a dont know what ulu place camp. hahas. didn't bother to rmbr where. &she'll only be back on monday evening. how great. INTERNET, PHONE AND BED.....ALL MINE ! hahas.

oh yeah, i;m going on a china trip to guiyang. guiyang is in guizhou by the way. We're going to the miaomiao middle school. hahas. they call "zhong xue" as "middle school" while we call it as "secondary school". they have direct translation la. hahas. im going for 10 days. from 25may to 3june. &after that, mummy&sis are going to cameron highland with my aunt. &they plus daddy are urging me to go. BUT I DONT WANT. i'll feel tired. hello? im going to CHEENA for 10 days. not 3 days. &i dont wanna waste daddy's money. i've already paid $670.40 for the damn cheena trip. excluding the money that im going to take from daddy for my expenses there. he's like forcing me to go la. i told him i DONT WANT. &all he can say is :" aiya, you all grow up alr la. know what you all are doing yourselves." =.= everytime say this. no creativity de. can memorise alr lo.

anyways, i got my results on friday (:
&to my horror, i failed 3 papers.
English P1
Letter writing - 19.5 /30
Composition - 20/30
English P2 - 16/25
Summary - 18/25

Cheena P1
letter writing - 15/20
composition - 31/50
cheena P2 - 55/70
listening compre - 14/20

Geography - 22/50

POA P1 - 27/40
POA P2 - 36.5/60

F&N - 24.5/100 ( cool huh?)

biology - 28/50 (miracle happened, i passed oh yea !)
chemistry - 41/50 (now i know how chemistry rock ! )

E.maths P1 - 31/80
E.maths P2 - 47/100
(expected, i failed)

nice results huh?
i did badly. but i didn't cry. im strong ok? i wont cry over results.
crying does not help my results to improve.
i was shocked at my F&N marks.
can you imagine? btw, i didn't check the damn script as i was busy giving out the POA paper.
i was shocked by my POA as well. thought i would fail my P2.
&to my expectation, i failed e.maths. oh yea !
hahas. &&im very proud about my chemistry ! i won dengju by 1 mark :D

hais, results make people disappointed. especially those who have a lack of memory power like me. i memorised everything like siao. but when i get the paper, i forgot everything. &thanks to it, my geog and F&N failed. i cant blame anyone. i can only blame myself. &i forgot all the mensuration formulas. (btw, it's mensuration, not menstration) HAHAS.

ystd when to jog with mel at my house there. i jogged 5 consecutive rounds with stopping. and another 2 more with resting in between. and dengju came to meet us at 10plus. he damn violent ok? he's very ungentleman. oh ya, i think me and mel wasted the running. in the end, we went to buy ice cream and even a large coke. hahas ! in the end, i was forced to finish half of the large coke thanks to melissa ong's bus arrival =.=
i wanna jog again!!! hahas. im mad.

that's all i guess. shall try to blog more (:

see you guys ! dont miss me.

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