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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Sunday, January 04, 2009
Busy and lazy to blog lah ! HAHAS.
i owe everyone a lot of happenings.
So, im gonna combine the few major events into this post !

Okay, let's start off with Fahrenheit Concert bah. I think some of you have seen Emilia's Blog and photos about it. But of course, im sure you all would also like to hear about my part right? I shall jump all the way until when we just sat down in SIS. They keep playing the same advertisement over and over again. Then Emilia and I high until keep singing Yoga Lin's "gei ni ai ai ai bu wan". LOLS. Then when concert start, everyone super high. Then i a bit high only lah. Their first song was "Chu Shen Ru Hua". See? My memory so good. HAHAS. okay, then when they walk forward on the extended stage, everyone scream like siao and stand up on chair. Then as a result, everyone behind, including Emilia and I stood up on the chair kos we couldn't see. Then whole SIS high like siao sia. Then got one lucky girl kena picked and she was allowed to go on stage to meet Fahrenheit! (jealous like siao) then they hugged her, held her hand and everything. Then Emilia and I were like :" wth lah ! we also want ! ):" hahas. anyway, they were really nice to her. I think they would treat girls so well bah. Then i kaypo and asked the two girls beside me who they like. lols, then had fun with them too lah. See? I'm so sociable ! Then highness all the way until so-called "last song" then they byebye. Then we all shout :"encore encore !" then the drummer come out. give us tempo to shout :" encore" and "fahrenheit". Then expectedly, they came out and sang another two songs. Then all the fans willing to go. HAHAS.. Overall, i enjoyed the concert very much lah. See my AiAi until so shuang le. HAHAS. I feel that the money is really worth it lah. I think Fahrenheit realy improved a lot throughout these 2 years. They've really grown up. Anyway, I just realised that there was extra batt. I scrimped on the batt you know? Arghs.
Before Concert Starts: First Song: Chu Shen Ru Hua

Stage Super Chioness right?Xiao Xiao Da Ren Wu (Wu Zun, Jiro, Aaron, Calvin)

Calvin doing beatbox. (My AIAI ! )

Guest Star : LiuLiYangLiuLiYang singing TiAmo with Aaron playing the piano.
Fahrenheit singing english oldies

Notice below the 2 pics.
Wuzun looking into my cam !!

Calvin being the DJ

Ending of concert

Took some pics but not really very nice. So not gonna post up unless there's a popular demand. It's super lame lah. Turn for 30 mins. You stand inside there for 30mins like kuku. hahas.

How can i leave out the most wonderful countdown of the year? I mean for me, i think that Christmas is more important than New Year because Jesus died for us. Yeah, AMEN ! hahas. Actually, i was supposed to meet the rest at 9pm. While i was doing my christmas cards, mel called and ask if i wanted to go City Harvest Church. Geraldine invited us. At first we weren't sure whether to go or not. Then i thought for a while:"Since we have time, we should go and celebrate this important event !" Then I went to meet Charmaine and then Melissa. We met the 3 Lovely Gs (Geraldine, Germaine and Glennis) at Expo MRT then waited for JianKang to come. The worst thing : IT'S RAINING ! Then Expo outside long queue. So we went by the back entrance i think. Mel, JianKang and I ran in the rain. The rain makes the whole atmosphere very "christmas-ly". hahas. All of us enjoyed ourselves lah, The best thing: JianKang raised his hand for altar call ! hahas. Knew Vincent and Fookai through that day. They're really nice people lah. They invite me time and again for gatherings and services. They even played viwawa with me till 3am lah ! hahas. okay, after that went to Cineleisure to meet Dennis, Morris, GuiJun and Valerie. Then bought tix for " Yes Man". While waiting for the show to start, we went for dinner and countdown-ed outside Cineleisure. HAHAS. the atmosphere very high. Everyone else were spraying the foam thingy. Then when we were roaming around the streets, we were hiding like siao. They very scary sia, spray like siao. hahas. But in the end, Val and GJ tio the most. Morris even got sprayed by a China Auntie ! Super funny. Sent Gi to MRT and we went for our movie. After movie, we walked back to Dhoby Ghaut den Val's parents came to fetch Morris, GJ, Char and Val home. Then left with the four of us (Dennis, JianKang, Mel and I) again. That time at airport also four of us. Then we dai dee-ed till 7am plus. The pathetic cold breakfast at 7 eleven. Then all of us went home. I slept till 5plus and mummy woke me up for dinner at Leon's church with my mom's friend. I didn't know it is his church at first lah. So coincidental right?
Pics @ Gi's Blog.
It's on her 25th December post (:
Geraldine, your blog's visitors are going to increase !

Most of you expect me to have a wonderful NewYear countdown out there and get high like siao right? Guess what i did.... i countdown-ed on the phone with mel =.=
Lamest event of the year for me. Lols. Not so bad lah. At least get to countdown with mel. Nothing much to blog about.

Totally s**t sia. New Principal talked for more than half an hour. Power right? Even more pro then ex-principal. HAHAS. Went Sakae for tea-time buffet with Lynn, Mel and Minli :D

Went for the first service for the year at NEW CREATION CHURCH *SCREAMS AND CHEERS*. hahas. i went with Jasmine. Due to the stupid red light that scared Jasmine, I decided not to take any pics. Hahas. Went to watch twilight for the second time. Anyway, i didn't see any difference between Twilight and Twilight Digital. Still the same=.=
Aft that we went JustNoodles at Suntec for dinner. Jasmine keep whining on the way. Hahas.Talked on phone with mel for a while den called YongQuan. Talked till around 2 plus. hahas. so long nvr contact him le. So many rubbish to say. And, that stingy boy still remembers my belated birthday present. He got something for me from Japan. So nice right? For the first time, He's nice to me. Classic example of a miracle happening. HAHAS.

Woke up at 12plus. Headache. Then ate pathetic porridge. Wiped the sofa (super shiny now), scrub the kitchen floor with mum and washed the damn bathroom, including the toilet bowl (you didn't read the wrong thing, i scrubbed the toiletbowl !). Went NTUC and saw Loic. Super long nvr see him! Then until now, Im sitting here (:

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com