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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Time really flies and it flew very fast this year.
Our seniors have graduated this afternoon, carrying on with their lives and dreams.
Shermin sent me and others whom she know, this msg ystd night:
"Tmr will be the last day of school. It'ss be officially the last day we will meet as school-mates. I'm setting aside everything unhappy we might have been through. I'll remember that you've played a part in my life. Be it happy or sad, good or bad, i still regard you as my best friend(:


ok, it may not seem a lot to you all, but although she didn't only sent this to me, i wanted to cry immediately i see this. anyway, this post shall be dedicated to all those seniors who made my life in Yuying somewhat a little more colourful, esp SHERMINONGSHUWEN.
From the start, i knew her through my sis as she was my sis's junior. From the beginning, she had an impression that i loved curry puffs and i eat them until my whole shirt gets the crumbs. Slowly, as she takes the same bus with me, i start to know her even better. With many CO practices, we often take the same bus tgt. Although we weren't close in the beginning, as the usual quiet me, i often kept quiet throughout. She initiated the talk. She was the first senior that really made me treat her as not only a senior, but the bestest friend. Throughout these short 3 years in Yuying, she was always there for me, encouraging me and everything. She was the first person who treated me so well. When i was in sec 2, i had quarrellings with friends and ended up being lonely all the time. As i was a quiet and shy girl then, i don't make a lot of friends in CO. After quarrellings with anyone, i would always vomit out all my unhappiness to her. (ok, i pity her. HAHAS.) Few months before today when i had a bit of "cold war" with my clique, only Lynn and her were there for me. She didn't cared if the rest of the people disliked me or what. She just carried on to be there for me. She not only always there for me but for everyone else. I could share my happiness, anger, sadness and joy to her.

I'll always remember you not as a friend,
not as the bestest senior,
but as the bestest FRIEND and SISTER.

Good Luck for your future endeavours and i hope that you quickly decide where to go after graduating before its too late. HAHAS. And all the best for your "O"s ! Im sure you're able to do it ! The road is very bitter and tough now, but after all these hardwork, im sure that you'll reap beautiful results :D <3
See? I still keep this photo ! HAHAS. We'll meet up for the usual dinners, movies and shoppings again ok? Please keep in mind that dinners after CO won't be fun without you! (:


P.S: i cried while typing this...

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