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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Friday, August 15, 2008
Im finally like, back?
thanks to the stupid common tests lahs.
so sorry for not updating.
look at the date.
4 more days.
anyway, between my previous post and this post,
many unwanted happenings happened unfortunately lah.
shall not talk about it.

oh ya,
Morris passed his "easy-pissing off" to me.
he gets pissed off easily lah.
then CherylYap also become like him.
then passed on to me.
Bio was bad just now.
not the test, but before the test.
TiaLiXian kept making noise and MrsPeh kept arranging the tables =.=
makes my blood rush.

im a busy woman now ok?
i think im becoming a bookworm soon lah.
im trying to balance CO and Studies.
We're rushing to finish the song, then, here comes common tests.
great huh?
worst things about being er-hu senior:
1) you have to tune more than 25 er-hu.
2) You have to be like their secretary, know every single thing about the score. If don't know, then kena from Conductress.
3) Im changing to gaohu, but i still have to know erhu. Then, erhu is split into two parts.
Erhu1 and Erhu2. Im supposed to be Erhu1, but marvellously, all my juniors come rushing and ask how it is played. So, in the end, im supposed to know.
4) I think that erhu is the most talkative section of all. Maybe because of the large amount of people? Or maybe because they ARE talkative. Then again, have to do noise control, shhhh-ing them, making myself become the baddie ):
5) I have to be very focus all the time. If not, i first one to kena.
6) My 音 have to be accurate, if not, also kena.
In conclusion, in everything i do, i must be careful. If not, kena.
But on the other hand, cute juniors sometimes make you happy. Although most of the time, they make you dont know whether to laugh, cry or be mad. But anyway, they are a nice bunch of juniors ok? Esp the sec 1s (:
ROAR, enough of CO shit. hahas.

Check out our CO blog ! :D

PS: 208, i want LittleMissNaughtyBag )):

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com