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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Saturday, March 08, 2008
hahas.im so hyper larhhs.
went to sakae sushi@heartland for our clique lunch :D
for the very first time, the majority of our clique went out for lunch tgt.
only BIAOJIE didnt come.sad ! or else full lerhhs.hais.
but i enjoyed it.esp having a crazyness LYNN WEE sitting beside me.HAHAS !
i told them that i ate 60 plates with my group of 4 friends the other time,
&emilia wanted to break the record.hahas.she FORCED us to eat 2 chanwanmushi&4plates of sushi.
then, we slowly realised we were real full.so we decided on 1 chanwanmushi, 3 plates of sushi, 3 slices of watermelon & 2 mochi !hahas.
the best part was the mochi.it's lychee flavour.ITS DAMN DAMN NICE CAN !
omg.hahas.my new love-mochi.hahas.
took pictures too, but will update next time.
yulynn havent send me the pics.
we paid $81.80 for 5 pple.quite worth it larhhs.eat all you can.
then after that, lynn&me went to belinda's house.
after a while jiu go home.
&BIAO JIE'S giving me attitude !
&&LYNNWEE's giving me attitude !
&&&LAMGUOWEI's also giving me attitude !
what i do sia?!arghhs.

i went back to the sinseh today again.
another big plaster AGAIN.
same as the previous white one.
&this time round, the medicine is even more bitter.*pukes*
hahas.seriously larhhs.so damn bitter.makes me have goosebumps and makes my hair stand.&no PE until further notice by the doctor.):

BIAOJIE lent me cakemania CD.&im addicted to it !


GOD is the spirit of my LIFE.

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