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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Wednesday, March 28, 2007
havent been blogging for a long time.
had a sudden urge to blog.
dunno why.
many things happened.
especially CO.
it had been a hectic month for YYSCO.
had many things gg on.
firstly,had our soundcheck at Singapore Conference Hall.
then,we had our performance agn at Tampines East CC.
we played the same song.
at the same place.
with the same ppl.
and had the same situation of selling tickets.
and also the same tragic of getting scolded kos of not selling away the tickets.
troubling pasir ris sec's ppl to run from BLK to BLK to sell the tickets.
we were very lucky.
there was one resident who treated us as a charity organisation donating $10 to us and not coming for the concert.
then had another performance in our school's hall just now.
everything was OK.
except for er-hu and cello.
we went too slow,dragging the whole orchestra's rhythm.
but dingding say we MAY get gold if we are willing to work hard like the ruan people.
but i really agree wid dingding larhhs.
the ruan people are really good.
they can get gold without us.
we are the ones dragging them.
so,we must work hard.
don't disappoint dingding and the teachers.
we must force dingding to jump down the building!
btw,i was so silly tt i cried for the whole day on monday.HAHS.
it was abt our class's people thing.
i feel very heartpain larhhs.
then during CO,i cried kos zhang scolded me.
i cried not kos he scold me oni.
kos i feel im HOPELESS.
i have been practising like mad dog but im deproving.
duno wad happened to me.
den i smsed zhang and apologised.
den i cried agn.
kos im touched.
he actually encouraged me and said im always alright except tt i went haywire for tt small little moment.HAHS.
thanks zhang.
everyone was happy during CO today.hahas.
dingding was happy too.
then after performance we had to practice when everyone were sitting in the hall for assembly.
but it was very cold larhhs.
then we only had lunch at ard 3?
everyone hungry like hell.
den me,serine and shermin very lucky.
we were the last few to eat from the chinese chicken rice stall.
den the auntie gave us chicken and egg for free kos she closing.
den shermin was walking around the whole school barefooted.
den me and serineSOOserine wear court shoes everywhr we go.HAHAS.
that's all abt CO.
ystd something spastic happened.
i took the same bus wid shermin.
den at net force there,
me and yong quan were toking on the phone when he is just at the bus stop.HAHAS.
then andy and his friend board the bus.
at first he dint say hi.
den dint bothered kos i scared he forgot hu i am then pai seh.
den alighted the bus wid him and his friend.lols.
den wen i walking in front he called me and acted cute and say hi.
den i was so shocked.
i turned behind and say hi in a very retarted way.
like really WEE-TAR-TED.
den he called me for the second tym.
den he fooled me.LOLS.
he act blur.
stupid larhhs.
oh yah.
den wen having lunch wid sherminPIGLET and serineSOOSERINE,
jizong came near our table.
den serineSOOSERINE told us that he slipped and fell wen xintong was chasing him.
darn lousy larhhs he.
den i told her tt his bag very GREEN.
hahas.den we keep saying turtle slip and fall.
den serineSOOSERINE keep using her hand as a turtle and make us laugh like NUTS.
den had sectionals.
after tt,we went AVA to watch our performance at Tampines East CC.
very funny larhhs.hahas.
den pasir ris sec the gao-hu guy very funny.
his actions very exaggerating larhhs.
he wanna copy zhang.
tt tym me,flora,woam shing and cheryl went Singapore Conference Hall to watch zhang solo.den he very exaggerating larhhs.
he play until like wan fall off the chair.making us like music-idiots knowing nth,laughing there.
yong quan is WEE-TAR-TED.
just like BENSON da kor kor.
we know each other for so long lerhhs.
den very close friends.
den he told me tt he feel tt all the kor and mei thing very lame.
den ystd night he ownself come and tel me be his mei.
tt's all.
must get silver or gold arhhs!
Cheena orchestra rocks man.

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