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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Sunday, October 08, 2006
the haze today much more better!
better air for breathing!!
thanks god.
tmr going back to school~WEE~
uploaded some songs up..yupps.comments pls.maybe i can have a voting of songs.
hope i have the time to upload different every week.
pls reccommend nice songs to me..=)
alone at home now.sians.
maybe ltr going tampines swimming complex the japanese cuisine to eat.
heard from mum that it's nice.hmm.
yesterday talked with junDAR on msn.
told her loads of things.yupps.
and oh yah.
junDAR:we're going shopping..wee~
i feel like asking yun and shan to go over.kos yun really has fashion sense.so she can reccommend.lols.
k.i'm stucked at home like a hopless little shit.
had science tuition in the morning.
tmr got science.
hope i can get good grades this tym.
but jiankang;ah pa and minli sure win miie dde larhhs.
miss everyone.even though it's only two days since i see them.lols.
i miss everyone.
ohh yahh.
especially chester kor..
wonder how's his life in shanghai.
lols.he told yun tt the driver in shanghai anyhow drive de.very reckless.lols.
wish chester kor all de best worhhs~
have been fiddling with zwinky creating and editing new outfits.
you all shud go create a zwinky.it's really fun!
ohh yahh.ystd dint mention.
i quarrelled with the slut in my class on wednesday.she's a real slut larhhs.
come and bitch with me.
try me.
my forehead got 6 big words:try me if you dare to.
lols.fcuk larhhs!
ystd nite was chatting with jasmineLIN on msn.
haiis.feel very relieve after sharing things with her although i'm not really tt close with her larhhs.
lols.at least i feel that she can be trusted.hope i wun trust the wrong person.!
stupid ernest~
my leg still pain.it's like more than a week.wtf!
had mooncakes for breakfast today.yupps.
can durian mooncake!=)
the "bing pi liu lian"
hahas.dad went all de way to joo chiat to buy them.
and very difficult to find the place lorhhs.
thanks dad~
you're the best!
What is love?
Love can be sweet and bitter.
It is sweet when both parties know what true love and trust is.
They love each other truly and trust each other.
Even though there are quarrels in between,they still know that they love each other deep in their heart.
Putting your whole heart will sweeten love.
Even though you will end up in pain.
It's a course of life for humans.
It can also be bitter.
Quarrelling with not make love bitter actually.
Love is bitter when both parties don't trust and love each other truly.
They just can't get their whole heart in.
They are afraid to love people as some have painful experiences of love.
Love can be controlled.
Love is not always sweet and always bitter.
It changes as your feelings for each other change.
shit.i'm typing all these even though i don't know what love actually means.
crap.treat all these as crap larhhs.lols.

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