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His Mighty Love

Do you ever believe in fairytales? I dont. I believe in Jesus. Daddy God is the best-damn-GOD on Earth! He sent Jesus down and Jesus died for us. Daddy God loves me and I love Daddy God :DD

"I love the LORD because He has heard my voice and my supplications."
Psalm 116:1

Daddy God, i pray that my family and all my friends will soon accept you into their heart and let you be their Almighty Daddy God. In the name of Jesus, i pray, AMEN !


Friday, June 09, 2006
sowiie for dde delay obb posting..
ii habb beenn spennddiingg tym ediiting m0ii blogskiin..as euu cann see...dde scroll-bar's colour>>>>>>
dde sections obb abt miie,lubx nn destests...nn ddde links nn ii added a hug jo- tingy...so,pls click onn "give jo- more *HUGS*"...l0lxx...thanks..juz found out tt FangLaoShi(nicole) iish selliingg accesories...!so,pls ggo ttuu her blog..nn support her..!!haha...
a lot of thanks ttuu cassie..shhe shared wiid miie a html help website even though dde website there stated "html help for KIDS"l0lxx...iits okk...learnt a lot..ii oso askkedd her ttuu help miie create a blogskin tt suits m0ii style during her leisure tym...l0lxx...THANKSCASSIE!!...=D
btw,someone scammed m0ii tagboard...euu can see,ddat person uses m0ii name:"-j0*" nn he/she wrote:"ii really wonder y dis few day we are being pulled apart..."onn 8h June 2oo6,13.46....juz ignore diis type obb ppl...they LOVE scamming ppl's tag...l0lxx...
tuu jm0 -
jm0,muz bbe patient kk...lolxx...g0rtt a lot obb things ttuu do during hols esp household chores kkos m0ii maid going home!
l0lxx...jm0 has beenn chasing miie ttuu blog...hiis frquently used quote wld bbe:"BLOGBLOGBLOG"...l0lxx...
nn true enuff,m0ii maid wld bbe going back ttuu her kampong onn 26.o6.o6..l0lxx..KAMPONG...
tessa,tt small little girl iish realiie rude...she called wendy as dy...whiich even miie nn melONG dunnch even cor her tt...even though we r closer than tessa ttuu wendy...l0lxx...ii sort obb lectured her ystd iin msn..she's backk from HK..means,presents for miie nn melONG!!!wee~

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